Dealing with imbalanced data by changing classification cut-off levels
Dealing with imbalanced data by changing classification cut-off levels#
A problem with machine learning models is that they may end up biased towards the majority class, and under-predict the minority class(es).
Some models (including sklearn’s logistic regression) allow for thresholds of classification to be changed. This can help rebalance classification in models, especially where there is a binary classification (e.g. survived or not).
Here we create a more imbalanced data set from the Titanic set, by dropping half the survivors.
We vary the probability cut-off for a ‘survived’ classification, and examine the effect of classification probability cut-off on a range of accuracy measures.
Note: You will need to look at the help files and documentation of other model types to find whether they have options to change classification cut-off levels.
# Hide warnings (to keep notebook tidy; do not usually do this)
import warnings
Load modules#
A standard Anaconda install of Python ( contains all the necessary modules.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Import machine learning methods
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
Load data#
The section below downloads pre-processed data, and saves it to a subfolder (from where this code is run). If data has already been downloaded that cell may be skipped.
download_required = True
if download_required:
# Download processed data:
address = '' + \
data = pd.read_csv(address)
# Create a data subfolder if one does not already exist
import os
data_directory ='./data/'
if not os.path.exists(data_directory):
# Save data
data.to_csv(data_directory + 'processed_data.csv', index=False)
data = pd.read_csv('data/processed_data.csv')
# Make all data 'float' type
data = data.astype(float)
The first column is a passenger index number. We will remove this, as this is not part of the original Titanic passenger data.
# Drop Passengerid (axis=1 indicates we are removing a column rather than a row)
# We drop passenger ID as it is not original data
data.drop('PassengerId', inplace=True, axis=1)
Artificially reduce the number of survivors (to make data set more imbalanced)#
# Shuffle original data
data = data.sample(frac=1.0) # Sampling with a fraction of 1.0 shuffles data
# Create masks for filters
mask_died = data['Survived'] == 0
mask_survived = data['Survived'] == 1
# Filter data
died = data[mask_died]
survived = data[mask_survived]
# Reduce survived by half
survived = survived.sample(frac=0.5)
# Recombine data and shuffle
data = pd.concat([died, survived])
data = data.sample(frac=1.0)
# Show average of survived
survival_rate = data['Survived'].mean()
print ('Proportion survived:', np.round(survival_rate,3))
Proportion survived: 0.238
Define function to standardise data#
def standardise_data(X_train, X_test):
# Initialise a new scaling object for normalising input data
sc = StandardScaler()
# Set up the scaler just on the training set
# Apply the scaler to the training and test sets
return train_std, test_std
Define function to measure accuracy#
The following is a function for multiple accuracy measures.
import numpy as np
def calculate_accuracy(observed, predicted):
Calculates a range of accuracy scores from observed and predicted classes.
Takes two list or NumPy arrays (observed class values, and predicted class
values), and returns a dictionary of results.
1) observed positive rate: proportion of observed cases that are +ve
2) Predicted positive rate: proportion of predicted cases that are +ve
3) observed negative rate: proportion of observed cases that are -ve
4) Predicted negative rate: proportion of predicted cases that are -ve
5) accuracy: proportion of predicted results that are correct
6) precision: proportion of predicted +ve that are correct
7) recall: proportion of true +ve correctly identified
8) f1: harmonic mean of precision and recall
9) sensitivity: Same as recall
10) specificity: Proportion of true -ve identified:
11) positive likelihood: increased probability of true +ve if test +ve
12) negative likelihood: reduced probability of true +ve if test -ve
13) false positive rate: proportion of false +ves in true -ve patients
14) false negative rate: proportion of false -ves in true +ve patients
15) true positive rate: Same as recall
16) true negative rate: Same as specificity
17) positive predictive value: chance of true +ve if test +ve
18) negative predictive value: chance of true -ve if test -ve
# Converts list to NumPy arrays
if type(observed) == list:
observed = np.array(observed)
if type(predicted) == list:
predicted = np.array(predicted)
# Calculate accuracy scores
observed_positives = observed == 1
observed_negatives = observed == 0
predicted_positives = predicted == 1
predicted_negatives = predicted == 0
true_positives = (predicted_positives == 1) & (observed_positives == 1)
false_positives = (predicted_positives == 1) & (observed_positives == 0)
true_negatives = (predicted_negatives == 1) & (observed_negatives == 1)
false_negatives = (predicted_negatives == 1) & (observed_negatives == 0)
accuracy = np.mean(predicted == observed)
precision = (np.sum(true_positives) /
(np.sum(true_positives) + np.sum(false_positives)))
recall = np.sum(true_positives) / np.sum(observed_positives)
sensitivity = recall
f1 = 2 * ((precision * recall) / (precision + recall))
specificity = np.sum(true_negatives) / np.sum(observed_negatives)
positive_likelihood = sensitivity / (1 - specificity)
negative_likelihood = (1 - sensitivity) / specificity
false_positive_rate = 1 - specificity
false_negative_rate = 1 - sensitivity
true_positive_rate = sensitivity
true_negative_rate = specificity
positive_predictive_value = (np.sum(true_positives) /
(np.sum(true_positives) + np.sum(false_positives)))
negative_predictive_value = (np.sum(true_negatives) /
(np.sum(true_negatives) + np.sum(false_negatives)))
# Create dictionary for results, and add results
results = dict()
results['observed_positive_rate'] = np.mean(observed_positives)
results['observed_negative_rate'] = np.mean(observed_negatives)
results['predicted_positive_rate'] = np.mean(predicted_positives)
results['predicted_negative_rate'] = np.mean(predicted_negatives)
results['accuracy'] = accuracy
results['precision'] = precision
results['recall'] = recall
results['f1'] = f1
results['sensitivity'] = sensitivity
results['specificity'] = specificity
results['positive_likelihood'] = positive_likelihood
results['negative_likelihood'] = negative_likelihood
results['false_positive_rate'] = false_positive_rate
results['false_negative_rate'] = false_negative_rate
results['true_positive_rate'] = true_positive_rate
results['true_negative_rate'] = true_negative_rate
results['positive_predictive_value'] = positive_predictive_value
results['negative_predictive_value'] = negative_predictive_value
return results
Divide into X (features) and y (labels)#
We will separate out our features (the data we use to make a prediction) from our label (what we are truing to predict).
By convention our features are called X
(usually upper case to denote multiple features), and the label (survive or not) y
X = data.drop('Survived',axis=1) # X = all 'data' except the 'survived' column
y = data['Survived'] # y = 'survived' column from 'data'
Assess accuracy, precision, recall and f1 at different model classification thresholds#
Run our model with probability cut-off levels#
We will use stratified k-fold verification to assess the model performance. If you are not familiar with this please see:
# Create NumPy arrays of X and y (required for k-fold)
X_np = X.values
y_np = y.values
# Set up k-fold training/test splits
number_of_splits = 10
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits = number_of_splits)
skf.get_n_splits(X_np, y_np)
# Set up thresholds
thresholds = np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.2)
# Create arrays for overall results (rows=threshold, columns=k fold replicate)
results_accuracy = np.zeros((len(thresholds),number_of_splits))
results_precision = np.zeros((len(thresholds),number_of_splits))
results_recall = np.zeros((len(thresholds),number_of_splits))
results_f1 = np.zeros((len(thresholds),number_of_splits))
results_predicted_positive_rate = np.zeros((len(thresholds),number_of_splits))
# Loop through the k-fold splits
loop_index = 0
for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X_np, y_np):
# Create lists for k-fold results
threshold_accuracy = []
threshold_precision = []
threshold_recall = []
threshold_f1 = []
threshold_predicted_positive_rate = []
# Get X and Y train/test
X_train, X_test = X_np[train_index], X_np[test_index]
y_train, y_test = y_np[train_index], y_np[test_index]
# Get X and Y train/test
X_train_std, X_test_std = standardise_data(X_train, X_test)
# Set up and fit model
model = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs'),y_train)
# Get probability of non-survive and survive
probabilities = model.predict_proba(X_test_std)
# Take just the survival probabilities (column 1)
probability_survival = probabilities[:,1]
# Loop through increments in probability of survival
for cutoff in thresholds: # loop 0 --> 1 on steps of 0.1
# Get whether passengers survive using cutoff
predicted_survived = probability_survival >= cutoff
# Call accuracy measures function
accuracy = calculate_accuracy(y_test, predicted_survived)
# Add accuracy scores to lists
# Add results to results arrays
results_accuracy[:,loop_index] = threshold_accuracy
results_precision[:, loop_index] = threshold_precision
results_recall[:, loop_index] = threshold_recall
results_f1[:, loop_index] = threshold_f1
results_predicted_positive_rate[:, loop_index] = threshold_predicted_positive_rate
# Increment loop index
loop_index += 1
# Transfer results to dataframe
results = pd.DataFrame(thresholds, columns=['thresholds'])
results['accuracy'] = results_accuracy.mean(axis=1)
results['precision'] = results_precision.mean(axis=1)
results['recall'] = results_recall.mean(axis=1)
results['f1'] = results_f1.mean(axis=1)
results['predicted_positive_rate'] = results_predicted_positive_rate.mean(axis=1)
Plot results#
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
chart_x = results['thresholds']
plt.plot(chart_x, results['accuracy'],
linestyle = '-',
label = 'Accuracy')
plt.plot(chart_x, results['precision'],
linestyle = '--',
label = 'Precision')
plt.plot(chart_x, results['recall'],
linestyle = '-.',
label = 'Recall')
plt.plot(chart_x, results['f1'],
linestyle = ':',
label = 'F1')
plt.plot(chart_x, results['predicted_positive_rate'],
linestyle = '-',
label = 'Predicted positive rate')
actual_positive_rate = np.repeat(y.mean(), len(chart_x))
plt.plot(chart_x, actual_positive_rate,
linestyle = '--',
label = 'Actual positive rate')
plt.xlabel('Probability threshold')
plt.xlim(-0.02, 1.02)
plt.ylim(-0.02, 1.02)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')

Accuracy is maximised with a probability threshold of 0.5
When the threshold is set at 0.5 (the default threshold for classification) minority class (‘survived’) is under-predicted.
A threshold of 0.4 balances precision and recall and correctly estimates the proportion of passengers who survive.
There is a marginal reduction in overall accuracy in order to balance accuracy of the classes.