A Random Forest model
A Random Forest model#
Our previous work has all been based on logistic regression, which is the most common ‘standard model’ against which all other models are compared.
In this notebook we swap out the logistic regression model for a Random Forest model. Random Forests are often chosen for classification based on structured data (i.e. when we have specific features of data, rather than unstructured data like a picture or a sound file).
Random Forests are based on constructing multiple decision trees, each of which sees only part of the data for each case, and only has limited ‘branches’. Random Forests tend to be less prone to over-fitting than decision trees. For more on the basis of Random Forests see:
Note in this example how similar the code is to our previous logistic regression model. A couple of notable changes are:
Data for Random Forest models do not need standardisation; we use the raw data.
Rather than having coefficients, we output model ‘importances’ which reflect how influential a feature is in deciding classification. This is accessed through examining
Here we will again use stratified K-fold validation to test the model performance. We will use default settings for the Random Forest model.
Load modules#
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
Download data#
Run the following code if data for Titanic survival has not been previously downloaded.
download_required = True
if download_required:
# Download processed data:
address = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelAllen1966/' + \
data = pd.read_csv(address)
# Create a data subfolder if one does not already exist
import os
data_directory ='./data/'
if not os.path.exists(data_directory):
# Save data
data.to_csv(data_directory + 'processed_data.csv', index=False)
Load data#
# Load data & drop passenger ID
data = pd.read_csv('data/processed_data.csv')
# Make all data 'float' type
data = data.astype(float)
data.drop('PassengerId', inplace=True, axis=1)
# Split data into two DataFrames
X_df = data.drop('Survived',axis=1)
y_df = data['Survived']
# Convert DataFrames to NumPy arrays
X = X_df.values
y = y_df.values
Define function to calculate accuracy#
import numpy as np
def calculate_accuracy(observed, predicted):
Calculates a range of accuracy scores from observed and predicted classes.
Takes two list or NumPy arrays (observed class values, and predicted class
values), and returns a dictionary of results.
1) observed positive rate: proportion of observed cases that are +ve
2) Predicted positive rate: proportion of predicted cases that are +ve
3) observed negative rate: proportion of observed cases that are -ve
4) Predicted negative rate: proportion of predicted cases that are -ve
5) accuracy: proportion of predicted results that are correct
6) precision: proportion of predicted +ve that are correct
7) recall: proportion of true +ve correctly identified
8) f1: harmonic mean of precision and recall
9) sensitivity: Same as recall
10) specificity: Proportion of true -ve identified:
11) positive likelihood: increased probability of true +ve if test +ve
12) negative likelihood: reduced probability of true +ve if test -ve
13) false positive rate: proportion of false +ves in true -ve patients
14) false negative rate: proportion of false -ves in true +ve patients
15) true positive rate: Same as recall
16) true negative rate: Same as specificity
17) positive predictive value: chance of true +ve if test +ve
18) negative predictive value: chance of true -ve if test -ve
# Converts list to NumPy arrays
if type(observed) == list:
observed = np.array(observed)
if type(predicted) == list:
predicted = np.array(predicted)
# Calculate accuracy scores
observed_positives = observed == 1
observed_negatives = observed == 0
predicted_positives = predicted == 1
predicted_negatives = predicted == 0
true_positives = (predicted_positives == 1) & (observed_positives == 1)
false_positives = (predicted_positives == 1) & (observed_positives == 0)
true_negatives = (predicted_negatives == 1) & (observed_negatives == 1)
false_negatives = (predicted_negatives == 1) & (observed_negatives == 0)
accuracy = np.mean(predicted == observed)
precision = (np.sum(true_positives) /
(np.sum(true_positives) + np.sum(false_positives)))
recall = np.sum(true_positives) / np.sum(observed_positives)
sensitivity = recall
f1 = 2 * ((precision * recall) / (precision + recall))
specificity = np.sum(true_negatives) / np.sum(observed_negatives)
positive_likelihood = sensitivity / (1 - specificity)
negative_likelihood = (1 - sensitivity) / specificity
false_positive_rate = 1 - specificity
false_negative_rate = 1 - sensitivity
true_positive_rate = sensitivity
true_negative_rate = specificity
positive_predictive_value = (np.sum(true_positives) /
(np.sum(true_positives) + np.sum(false_positives)))
negative_predictive_value = (np.sum(true_negatives) /
(np.sum(true_negatives) + np.sum(false_negatives)))
# Create dictionary for results, and add results
results = dict()
results['observed_positive_rate'] = np.mean(observed_positives)
results['observed_negative_rate'] = np.mean(observed_negatives)
results['predicted_positive_rate'] = np.mean(predicted_positives)
results['predicted_negative_rate'] = np.mean(predicted_negatives)
results['accuracy'] = accuracy
results['precision'] = precision
results['recall'] = recall
results['f1'] = f1
results['sensitivity'] = sensitivity
results['specificity'] = specificity
results['positive_likelihood'] = positive_likelihood
results['negative_likelihood'] = negative_likelihood
results['false_positive_rate'] = false_positive_rate
results['false_negative_rate'] = false_negative_rate
results['true_positive_rate'] = true_positive_rate
results['true_negative_rate'] = true_negative_rate
results['positive_predictive_value'] = positive_predictive_value
results['negative_predictive_value'] = negative_predictive_value
return results
Run the model with k-fold validation#
# Set up lists to hold results for each k-fold run
replicate_accuracy = []
replicate_precision = []
replicate_recall = []
replicate_f1 = []
replicate_predicted_positive_rate = []
replicate_observed_positive_rate = []
# Set up DataFrame for feature importances
importances = pd.DataFrame(index = list(X_df))
# Convert DataFrames to NumPy arrays
X = X_df.values
y = y_df.values
# Set up splits
number_of_splits = 10
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits = number_of_splits)
skf.get_n_splits(X, y)
# Loop through the k-fold splits
k_fold_count = 0
for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y):
# Get X and Y train/test
X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
# Set up and fit model (n_jobs=-1 uses all cores on a computer)
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs=-1)
# Predict test set labels and get accuracy scores
y_pred_test = model.predict(X_test)
accuracy_scores = calculate_accuracy(y_test, y_pred_test)
# Record feature importances
col_title = 'split_' + str(k_fold_count)
importances[col_title] = model.feature_importances_
k_fold_count +=1
# Transfer results to list and add to data frame
results = pd.Series()
results['accuracy'] = np.mean(replicate_accuracy)
results['precision'] = np.mean(replicate_precision)
results['recall'] = np.mean(replicate_recall)
results['f1'] = np.mean(replicate_f1)
results['predicted positive rate'] = np.mean(replicate_predicted_positive_rate)
results['observed positive rate'] = np.mean(replicate_observed_positive_rate)
# Get average of feature importances, and sort
importance_mean = importances.mean(axis=1)
importance_mean.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True)
/tmp/ipykernel_8602/2158006155.py:52: FutureWarning: The default dtype for empty Series will be 'object' instead of 'float64' in a future version. Specify a dtype explicitly to silence this warning.
results = pd.Series()
Show results and feature importance#
accuracy 0.804782
precision 0.760550
recall 0.722269
f1 0.737268
predicted positive rate 0.365868
observed positive rate 0.383833
dtype: float64
male 0.234202
Fare 0.216091
Age 0.215611
Pclass 0.060542
CabinNumber 0.056673
SibSp 0.046100
Parch 0.039414
CabinNumberImputed 0.019187
CabinLetter_missing 0.016389
AgeImputed 0.016190
Embarked_S 0.015698
CabinLetterImputed 0.014914
Embarked_C 0.012849
Embarked_Q 0.008345
CabinLetter_B 0.005826
CabinLetter_E 0.005712
CabinLetter_C 0.005278
CabinLetter_D 0.004320
CabinLetter_A 0.003729
CabinLetter_F 0.001549
CabinLetter_G 0.000845
CabinLetter_T 0.000247
EmbarkedImputed 0.000177
Embarked_missing 0.000113
dtype: float64
Without any optimisation we observe accuracy similar to, or a little higher than, logistic regression.
Unlike logistic regression we see a good balance between precision and recall, rather than a bias towards the majority class.
Performance of the model may be tested and optimised as we previously did for logistic regression (e.g. construct ROC curves, perform feature selection, consider over-sampling or under-sampling as required, examine learning curves).
For further notes on the sklearn Random Forest model (and which parameters may be fine-tuned, e.g. with random search or grid search as we did with the logistic regression model) please see the help pages for the Random Forest model, or refer to: