Setting up an environment
Setting up an environment#
Set up environment locally using a conda environment file#
To get the correct libraries and versions it is recommended that the provided conda environment is used. To create and activate the titanic environment:
Download the environment.yml file from
Windows -> Open Anaconda prompt. Mac/linux -> Open a terminal
Run the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
This will fetch and install the libraries in a conda environment ‘titanic’
To activate the enviroment run the following command:
conda activate titanic
Set up environment locally manually#
Create a new environemnt with
conda create -n titanic python=3.8
Activate environment with
conda activate titanic
Install rerquired packages with:
conda install pandas=1.3 numpy=1.20 matplotlib=3.4 jupyterlab tensorflow=2.4 scikit-learn=0.24
pip install imblearn==0.0 pydot==1.4 graphviz==0.17
Download files#
Jupyter Notebooks may be downloaded individually from the book pages here, or may be downloaded together from